Publisher: Angus & Roberston
Published: 27 Aug 2003
All roads lead to Samarkand, and beyond into danger. Cyn’s best friend, Megan, steals the genie’s bottle, which contains the summoning ring. She summons the genie and demands three wishes. Sinbad responds to this treachery by granting Megan the wishes she deserves – and they are negative ones. Megan’s first wish is to see the Magic Isles, and she finds herself abandoned on Circe’s island, where she is mistaken for a servant, then transformed into a pig for her laziness. When Cyn learns from the genie what has happened, she decides that she will have to use one of her own wishes to rescue her friend. Sinbad refuses to come along, but he gives Cyn three magic objects that will help her at need, and instructs her on the route that she must take. Cyn and the Carpet set out together on a perilous journey to find Megan. Ages 11+